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Need prayer? We would love to pray for you. You can send us a message for prayer.
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the church

We are a church that believes in Jesus & loves God and people

We are a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth. We are a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people.
what we do

Our Mission

the gospel in actions

we make a difference

  • New here?
    We are a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people.
  • Mission
    & beliefs
  • Our
main goal

Jesus came that we might experience life to the full (John 10:10). We are passionate about introducing people to Jesus.Dave BrooksMajor Pastor


Our Team

Victoria Summers

Executive Assistant to Senior Pastor

Edwin Schmidt

Leadership / Sundays / Music

Frankie Johnston

Leadership / Teaching

Alexis Hampton

Community Life

Join Our Bible Study Group!

We invite anyone and everyone to attend our Sunday gatherings to study bible together.
church media

Recent Series

  • A Church for the World
    feb 2, 2017
  • Living in Love (part II)
    feb 2, 2017
  • Everybody is Somebody
    feb 2, 2017
  • Living in Love (part I)
    feb 2, 2017
  • Led by Spirit
    feb 2, 2017
  • Everybody is Somebody
    feb 2, 2017
From the Blog

Recent Articles

  • The Cost of Following Jesus
    November 15, 2016
  • Uncover Something About Life
    November 15, 2016
  • Women’s Bible Study
    November 15, 2016
What’s New

“A Heart After Jesus”a new book from Dave Brooks

The spirit of sisterhood is seen and felt in the fervent prayer of thousands of girls who faithfully uphold nations where injustice and darkness rage out of control. It is seen and felt in young women being inspired by the wisdom and grace of their mothers and the women ahead of them in this journey of life. For insight into the breadth of the Sisterhood.

Stay Tuned with Updates

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Contact info

Address: 860 O'Hare Pkwy,
Medford, OR 97504
Phone: 123-456-7890
Email: [email protected]

Address: 350 5th Ave, New York,
NY 10118, USA
Phone: 00 999 88 77 66
Email: [email protected]